My childhood like many was during a time where cartoons where heavily trying to appeal to a wide variety of audiences and with so many classic cartoons loosing there popularity they began to try and do a different approach to each of them . In the 80's and early 90's a lot of them went with making the older characters kids (will discuss in a later post) and Disney decided to do similar but making spin offs of there characters in there own world situations.
The concept is set in Duckburg and modern day, instead of the Dickens based past. Scrooge is still a Billionaire (and the richest in the world). The Boys were represented as being mischievous at first , looking for acceptance and a adult/ father figure missing in there life. The boy eventually change the heart of there uncle Scrooge and developed a close relationship with him.
The series was a huge success even airing in the soviet union at the time. it spawned theatrical movies (one which I believe was one of the first movies I ever saw in theatres), Video games, comic books, toys etc...Even another spin off with there character Launchpad McQuack in Darkwing Duck. Eventually by the near end of the 90's appeared another spin off Quack Pack where Donald had returned home and assuming retired, the boys are teenagers.
I wanted to share all of them here at once but seeing that there is many of them ,each deserve there own detail summary or review I will discuss each of them over the next few weekends.