Back in the day alot of cartoons inspired toys and in the 80's and 90's alot of toys inspired cartoons to sell more toys.
Okay so granted "its evil",but its called capitalism and marketing for a reason. There's nothing wrong with having kids enjoy something like adults do. To be honest this anti-marketing to children is sad... kids have no imagination and there not stimulated like our generation. I'm tired of going to McDonald's and seeing that it's no longer a family restaurant that we would go on weekend once in a while, but instead its a place that is now geared to adults and we go every day. Thanks hippy made us fatter,and children under stimulated punks that can't think for themselves. Anyway that's the ranting part...During the 80's and 90's we had great toys (cheap in comparison to the quality now but much more fun) and great cartoons. Many times a hit cartoon made a hit toy...but there were times a hit toy was made into a cartoon and so on. It all started really with He-Man a Toon that really was made to sell the toy.
Well, here is a list of some of those most remember able. some where ingenious others lame knock offs during the ninja turtle phase and others were fucking weird. Trust me there are many more then the few I listed , can you think of any?
the top toys turned toon (sorry he-man was a given )
Mighty Max:
Poor kids version of a game boy...the pocket toy castle set for the boy traveling...a great idea..usually by the time you get going all the little characters are missing somewhere in the car ride to the cabin...mighty max also had a really well done cartoon to promote the many different pocket dungeons. The show basically took the idea of all the different versions and made it that the boy max had a magic ball cap that would teleport him to these different worlds and must go through them like a video game, his Yoda was a chicken lol.
Troll dolls:
yes these troll dolls had were horrendous yet every where and in a last ditch effort to attract more of the kids they decided to release this ridiculous concept of a show... Stone Protectors
There isn't really any thing I can say about this show that's not known. one of the most lucrative franchises to sell cars to the robot lovers and now a huge BAYSPLOSION hit movie franchise.
cute adorable mogwai/ kangaroo/ hamster cuteness that can be folded up into a little puff ball also had a small television run.
Creepy Crawlers :
yes believe it or not a light bulb based cooking machine that made wiggly worms that most likely you gave your dad to use for fishing bait as a last ditch effort as a fathers day gift, also had a TV show. much like stone protectors, street sharks and biker mice from mars they all tried to get in on the anthropomorphic superhero team that the ninja turtle franchise that impacted the 80's and 90's.
My little pony:
prior to the vinyl toys these little ponies were great to customise but many girls drooled over and collected... most likely cause there fathers wouldn't get them a real one...or maybe it was the reason so many wanted them...anyway it had a toon
Teddy Ruxpin:
In 1984 we had terminator who came from our dark evil future of 1997...its predecessor in the 80's was this lovable teddy bear. Teddy Ruxpin, was by far one of the most influential toys of its time and guess what? they still make them ! teddy ruxpin not only was an ingenious night time teddy bear that read you a bed time story , it had a fairly good cartoon series about his detailed adventures and world. def worth showing to kids and or buying the doll for bringing nostalgia to your kids.
Street Sharks