
1st BROG EVER!!!

Herro Every one! This is basically a pet project of mine which I really have to thank my friend Kevin Cooney (also known as Tokyocooney on YouTube). we Hung out several times in Tokyo and glad to call him one of my good friends. Though a busy man and rare to get a chance to hang out I'm happy to say we had some good times.  anyway enough sentimental garbage , I told him about a business/ project I've been wanting to work on for a while and he suggested making web based  like a website/web store or blog. That was around new year so, now I'm back in Canada and hoping to return but at the same time trying to figure out a lot of things about myself.
This blog is essentially more like my idea of a weekly zine devoted to Saturday morning cartoons! That's right folks, its nostalgia time. The blog (eventually will become its own website over time) is devoted to the glorious time now forgotten. The one day a week where all kids woke early in the morning grabbed there favorite cereal and watch cartoons until the afternoon! also lets not forget television after school hours as well. the 80's and 90's where marketed towards kids and being kids. its sad that culture is gone. Its sad to turn on the television early mornings and the only cartoons that are on are on the cartoon networks and children's channels (and not even good ones).
Lets face it People Saturday mornings are dead and well with the help of my YouTube channel and this blog I hope to share with you what I have and know and remember about those cherished years. As an adult I have become a serious collect of the old retro paraphernalia and thanks to the modern age of DVDs and the Internet I know can say i own almost every show I ever watched as a child. complete series of shows that we may never see on DVD like The Muppet babies (that was a hard find) or even EEK the Cat. Sadly I cannot find everything but have at least a large variety and my goal when i eventually have a complete website is to post a live streaming show airing a list of these cartoons every Saturday morning. that where sponsorship and AdSense will come in handy so please view and follow this blog!.

As stated every Saturday will be several post throughout the day including fun activities, nostalgia, reviews, trivia...etc. So enjoy this blog I will work hard and I encourage your emails and comments.

So I figured its best seeing how this is the first post to also have this link here showing a cavalcade of cartoon stars of the 80's/90's : cartoon all stars to the rescue