cystal clear contact juggling balls
juggling ballsmagic money roller
whoopi cushion
x-ray specs-( i remember chasing the girls with them)
rubiks cube
Sea Monkeys
spy pen (the telescope/magnifer)
survival binoculars (was a magnyifing lens, mirror, whistle,compass all in one that folded up and even had a pouch for matches)
fake snake ( I once put that in a jug of kool aid at a friends house and scared the crap out of his mother hahaha )
spypen( super hearing magnifier thing that lets you hear from far away)
venus fly trap (got it at chapters but it never grew )
hypno coin(does not work!!)
marked deck of playing card
hand buzzer...piece of crap
kryptonite...(actualy it was just silly putty in a metor shape container!!)
microphone radio (like bart had when he fell down the well on simpsons)
ant farm
stretch armstrong

little dinosaurs that you put and water and watch them grow
autograph picture of chuck norris (i wish i never gave that away!)
green lantern rings
pez gun
squirmles (magic fuzzy worms)
official justice league membership (actualy was just a cut out you put your photo and sign)
fake vomit
fake cigarettes
<--They use to have ones for live monkeys, butI think they are like "illegal" now...go figure... I always wanted that one. Oh well, I do know of this, while in Japan the pet stores sell them, but for ridiculous prices. They're also native there too (monkeys) I've seen them in the wild there (ugly ones though)
Did I miss anything ? What are some of your memorable ads or items?